Safety & Access Opens Training Facility In South Korea

'Thumbs up' from representatives of Safety and Access (Korea) Samsung Heavy Industries and CISRS outside the brand new facility in Geoje, South Korea.


‘Thumbs up’ from representatives of Safety and Access (Korea) Samsung Heavy Industries and CISRS outside the brand new facility in Geoje, South Korea.

Safety & Access Ltd announce the opening of a brand new CISRS Scaffolding Training facility in South Korea.

CISRS have given the facility the green light by awarding the training firm with it’s accreditation for the delivery of scaffolder skills training, scaffold inspection and scaffold supervisory qualifications.

Safety & Access have provided CISRS training in the region for almost two years and almost exclusively to their client Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) that operate at the Geoje Island site in the South of the country. The new centre will provide key support training services to Samsung and their scaffolding operations and other clients in the region. Samsung recently presented Safety and Access with a further two year programme of training for CISRS scaffolding qualifications.

CISRS Scheme Manager Mr David Mosley said: 

“We are delighted to be able to grant accreditation to Safety & Access as this centre demonstrates the growing popularity and recognition of the CISRS scheme across the globe. We are also thankful to Samsung Heavy Industries for supporting and promoting the overseas scheme.”

The opening of this new facility adds to an expanding list of Safety & Access centres as the firm recently announced expansion in the Middle East earlier this year.

Joint Managing Director of Safety & Access Rick Statham commented: 

”We recognise and promote only independent CISRS accreditations for scaffolding in the UK and internationally and are extremely proud of this ongoing recognition of our professional and dedicated approach to providing quality training to our clients.”

“We would also like to thank our client Samsung Heavy Industries for investing in the provision of the scheme and we look forward to continuing this service for years to come in the region.”

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