New NASC Guidance on Use of Readylok Transoms

Readylok Transoms

NASC provide data guidance on the use of Readylok Transoms in July’s TG20:13 update.

Structural testing and research by the NASC and Generation UK Ltd now remove any confusion on how Readylok Transoms can be used.

The NASC have not yet publicly announced the July 2016 update to the structural requirements and testing regime of prefabricated transom units. But this new revision now shows Readylok prefabricated transom units can be used to replace structural transoms and reduce the need for ledger braces.

Download: Structural requirements and test procedures for TG20 compliant prefabricated structural transom units

Many scaffolders value and benefit from the fast erection times, reduction in components and costs delivered through Readylok. But since their introduction, over twenty years ago, there has been limited test data to confirm whether their use permits the removal of ledger braces.

image00In partnership with the NASC, Generation UK have undertaken the necessary research to define the performance criteria of the Readylok Transom, to comply with the TG20:13 guidance.  The research used the Generation Readylok as its test product to enable the NASC to update previous inconclusive data.   

The NASC have now provided an update to the structural requirements and testing regime for the Readyloks to be compliant with the calculations used in TG20:13. This means that scaffolders can provide evidence about the suitability of the use of Readylok Transoms to remove ledger braces and reduce components, assembly costs and improve erection times.

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Generation UK, managing director said about the NASC update to TG20:13 “We are proud to work together with the NASC to provide scaffolders with the necessary certificates of conformity and the confidence to use Readyloks to systemise tube and fittings. This is one part of our programme to continually improve the products and services we provide.”