CAPE extends contracts with EDF Energy

Cottam power station

Cape plc, announce current portfolio expansion with EDF Energy in the UK.

Cape, an international leader in the provision of critical industrial services, will provide access, insulation and asbestos services in support of EDF Energy’s Coal and Gas assets, including:

The Cottam and West Burton A coal power stations in Nottinghamshire, which together provide 4GW of capacity and are capable of generating enough power for 7.5 million homes.

The West Burton B CCGT power station, which has three combined cycle units capable of generating enough electricity for approximately 1.5 million UK homes.

The gas storage facilities in Hole House, Cheshire, which provide the ability to store large volumes of gas combined with the fast cycle import and export capability, helping safeguard gas transmission system stability and security of supply.

These substantial contracts, which extend Cape’s long standing contract with EDF Energy, encompass the supply of specialist access, thermal insulation and asbestos services for five years to 2022 in support of EDF Energy’s mission to provide safe, reliable generation to sustainably meet the needs of the UK electricity market.

Commenting on the signing of the contracts, Simon Hicks, Managing Director UK, said:

“We are delighted with this award; it is further demonstration of our ability to deliver excellence in the safe and efficient service provision across these assets with close collaboration with our key customer, EDF Energy”.

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