Scaffolding stands out at Armed Forces careers event

NASC promotes outstanding scaffolding opportunities at Armed Forces careers event


Members of the Armed Forces were introduced to some of the outstanding opportunities that await them on civvy street within the scaffolding industry at a military careers event last week.

Scaffolding trade association the NASC saw more than 100 current service personnel stop at its stand at the British Forces Resettlement Services (BFRS) event at Tidworth Leisure Centre.

All were greeted by NASC’s Training and Recruitment Officer Henry Annafi and representatives from NASC Contractor members Severnside Scaffolding Ltd and S & K Scaffolding Ltd, also attending was NASC Information member SIMIAN.

Henry said: “It was great to see such interest and enthusiasm shown by so many serving Armed Forces personnel. Many of these people had little or no knowledge of what the scaffolding industry can offer them but were very receptive to what we had to share with them.

“They were very impressed by the structured and progressive nature of the CISRS scheme – and the NASC’s Armed Forces Training Fund, which will fully cover the costs of retraining and qualifying as a scaffolder – along with the variety of the work, camaraderie and earning potential.

“Whilst at the event S & K Scaffolding immediately set up interviews with three candidates and more than 40 jobseekers took our NASC Careers information away with them, which is a very positive response. I’m optimistic that many of these will take be seeking to take up positions in our industry in the near future. 

“I’d like to thank each of the members who gave up their time to represent the NASC and the scaffolding industry at this event, it is imperative that scaffolding employers engage in events such as this one, in order to promote the sector and inform the wider labour market us of the many vacancies we are looking to fill. 

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“Our efforts would have been far less effective without their support. We now look forward to the BFRS virtual careers fair on Tuesday 28 September.”