Well we are here again, yet another year gone.. but before the Christmas doo hangovers set in I wish you all have a very Merry Christmas and a very productive 2013.
I Also would like to take this opportunity to thank the many thousands of loyal readers and subscribers to the site that have stuck with us and let us fill your inbox or news feed with up-to date scaffolding information and goodness. But none of this would be possible without our great sponsors: Active-workwear.com , Bettertax.org , Scaff-online.co.uk , Modus-access.co.uk , Loughtonscaffolding.com , Bedsforbuilders.co.uk , skaftray.co.uk , 4safetytraining.com.
We will be back on the 3rd January continuing our mission in bringing you all the goings on within our great scaffolding industry.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.