Scaffolder loses leg and arms after being electrocuted


A scaffolder has had his leg and both arms amputated after being severely electrocuted while at work.

Dad-of-two Jamie Mines was working at height on scaffolding in Swindon just days before Christmas, when he was shocked by the huge volt of electricity.

He was electrocuted so severely he had to be rescued by emergency services. Jamie’s injuries were also so severe he was placed in an induced coma.

To save Jamie’s life doctors had to amputate one of his legs, he lost all the toes on the other, and also had one hand amputated. However several days later, soon after Boxing Day, both his arms had to be amputated also according to recent reports.

The Health and Safety Executive are currently investigating the incident.

Jamie continues to remain in intensive care.


Tributes have poured in for Jamie on a Go Fund Me page.
The Go Fund Me page was set up by his close friend Ian Kennedy with a target of £100,000, over 1,230 people have already donated £30,294 in seven days.

Jamie, who is being supported by his girlfriend, is father to newly born twin daughters and is hugely popular in his home town of Frome.

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Ian, who set up the page with a group of others close to the family, said: “He is an honest, very hard working man. He is the provider of his beautiful family of newly born twin girls. He is a scaffolder by trade.

“Jamie is a popular man from the town of Frome who always had time for other people. Jamie was a keen, active and talented sportsman who played semi-professional football for Frome Town FC, Radstock, Larkhall and Paulton and was known as a goal machine for each of his clubs. We are honoured to know him and honoured to call him our friend.

“To have your life change in the blink of an eye must be devastating. Our heart goes out to Jamie because we know the road ahead of him is going to be a difficult one.

“We pray he can keep his head up and stay strong and know he has love, support, and prayers behind him. On top of that it is the holiday season. I know the holiday seasons are tight budgeted for us all. But if you are able, please consider helping out this family. Any help is greatly appreciated.”

If you would like to donate please click here.


  1. Martin Bryant have you got a bit of a semi now fella, you have haven’t you lool silly sod , entomology, everyone knows thats a town in the lord of the rings , i think golem used to live there ???

  2. Martin Bryant i think you will in fact find you were mate , so ner lol , if you lick a live wire you will be “electrocuted” if it kills you you would of died from “electrocution” ??