CISRS Complete CPD Pilot Courses


CISRS report positive feedback after completing CPD Pilot Courses.

CISRS has run two fully-funded CPD refresher pilot courses at NCC Midlands in Birmingham during February and March. CISRS say, Both of the courses were delivered by lead Instructor Tony Barry which received very positive feedback from the course delegates.

In a press release published this morning CISRS went on to report that, there was a wide range of age and experience amongst those attending the courses. One scaffolder had gained their card via “grandfather rights,” others who qualified over 20 years ago, and some who had completed their training only five years previously. The pilot courses were specifically designed to road test and fine-tune the course content.

Tony Barry said: “I was a little uncertain as to how the course would go having both older more experienced Advanced Scaffolders mixed with younger scaffold card holders – but it actually worked well and created more discussion within the group. Other than the inspection module which required us to split the group into Basic and Advanced inspection (with another of our instructors supervising one of the groups), all other information passed on is relevant to both grades of cardholder.”

Adding diversity of experience and opinion, Rob Nicholls (lead instructor at Safety and Access) and Neil Gray (lead instructor at LTC) both sat in on the first pilot in February – taking notes on the course from a delivery point of view, assessing content, analysing the length of some course areas and providing feedback on timings and other aspects of the CPD course content and application.

After considering delegate feedback and comments along with the findings of Rob and Neil, the first course was very well received, with only a few tweaks needing to be made to Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS), Manual Handling and Anchors/Ties sections.

One of the delegates on the first pilot had initially asked if the course could have been completed in one day. However with the practical Scaffold Inspection and Mobile Aluminium Tower session and associated theory tests taking up around six hours alone, combined with the rest of the CPD/Refresher programme necessitated the full two days. The course covers a lot of ground with the pilot courses running from 8.30am to 4.30pm on both days.

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Following feedback from the first course, all relevant changes were implemented prior to the second course taking place – which was again very well received. All delegates were required to complete a course evaluation form which asked them to rate all aspects of the course including centre facilities, course content course materials, instructors etc. Other than one delegate rating the catering ‘Average’ all other aspects of the course were rated as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good.’

Dave Mosley, CISRS Scheme Manager, and CISRS representative, Bob Whincap attended the second CPD course, to monitor the course in action. Mr. Mosley said: “The pilot schemes have proved to be a huge success and have given us the opportunity to fine tune the two-day course content before the July roll-out.

“I asked the delegates if they felt that the course was beneficial and the group were very positive. Some had initially been sceptical due to comments made on social media and the internet about costs, duration and content. But having attended, they felt it was worthwhile and that they had been reminded of information they’d forgotten since they last attended a centre, whilst also being brought up to date on current industry guidance. They also enjoyed the opportunity to mix with other scaffolders from different companies”   

Eligible delegates who took part in the pilot courses will receive their updated CISRS card with CPD, Inspection and Aluminium Tower module endorsements free of charge. 

A pilot course for CISRS approved Instructors will take place at NCC Midlands on 24/25th April. CISRS are considering offering a few more funded pilot courses in May, to enable a final phase of fine tuning prior to the scheme going live 1st July, after which time all CISRS Scaffolder and Advanced cards can only be renewed by completing the CISRS two-day Scaffolder Refresher Course.