TRAD Group supports Workers Memorial Day


Friday 28th April is Workers Memorial Day it’s an international day to support and remember the lives of those lost, injured, disabled or made unwell by their work; it is a day when we can take a minute in silence and pause to reflect.

Workers’ Memorial Day is an opportunity to highlight the preventable nature of most workplace incidents and ill health and to promote campaigns and union organisations in the fight for improvements in workplace safety. The slogan for the day is Remember The Dead – Fight For The Living. 

Although 28th April is used as the focal point for remembrance and a day of international solidarity, campaigning and other related activities continue throughout the year right around the world.

The TRAD Group will be supporting by taking part in a minute’s silence on Friday 28th April. All their office staff will wear purple ribbons, and scaffolders/yard staff will be wearing hi vis vests and helmets that display the purple ribbon and Workers’ Memorial Day logo.

A spokesperson for the TRAD Group said:

“Our group of companies continuously strive to improve Health and Safety not just for ourselves but for the scaffolding industry as a whole.

It is our company ethos to make sure that all our people, our clients and our supply chain are involved in all aspects of Health and Safety, so they can contribute towards discussions, inform us of potential dangers and issues, and be more proactive in driving the changes to make us a safer organisation.

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We involve our workforce in several ways to assist in significantly ensuring safe working practices and helping to ensure all go home safely to their families at the end of the day.”

The TRAD Group will be planning and organising other events throughout the course of the Year; prior to next years’ memorial.