Parliamentary Inquiry into falls from height launches

APPG Falls from height inquiry

New All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for working at height has launched an inquiry into the numbers of serious injuries and fatalities which occur because of a fall from height and falling objects.

The PASMA sponsored inquiry chaired by Glasgow Central MP Alison Thewliss, is looking into height safety and are seeking evidence submissions from interested stakeholders by 2 March 2018.

In Parliament The APPG will consider this evidence and produce a report and recommendations on how the frequency of serious injuries and fatalities can be reduced.

In 2016/2017, 18% of those who died at work were killed due to a fall from height. PASMA and the 11 member organisations of the Access Industry Forum (AIF) believe there are a range of issues that urgently need to be addressed to help reduce these alarming figures.

Alison Thewliss, Chair of the APPG for Working at Height said: That 18 percent of people killed at work did so as a result of a fall from height is a shocking statistic. The APPG for Working at Height has brought together concerned MPs from several parties to investigate the reasons for falls from height and ensure current regulations are sufficient for protecting workers at height in the UK.”

PASMA managing director Peter Bennett said: “I would urge all organisations engaged in working at height to submit evidence to this inquiry – and help to ensure that all of those who work at height return home safely every day.”

To submit evidence to the inquiry, please visit
