Underscaffold App building a bridge to tourists

Underscaffold app

New app for frustrated tourists plots popular sites across the globe with scaffolding erected on them.

For anyone frustrated on reaching an iconic building only to discover it shrouded in scaffolding, there’s a simple solution to the problem. A revolutionary new app called ‘Underscaffold’ has come to the aid of anyone wishing to pinpoint major tourist attractions and architecture across the globe.

Innovative App

The app has been designed to search for tourist sites anywhere in the world and check if they have scaffolding on them. Big Ben and The Elizabeth Tower are proving very popular at the moment, and all eyes will shortly be on the Taj Mahal, due to start its restoration this June. You can rest assured ScaffMag will be keeping a close eye on that one.

Users of this smart application can help others by warning them of scaffolding on tourist sites. In fact, Site operators can also provide the latest official information for anyone making travel plans. Users can also:

• Provide pictures and comments, good or bad.
• See all the photos and comments provided by users.
• Submit five reports and become a Star reporter.
• See their one-word scaffolding summary based on latest reports: None, Some, Lots.
• Submit new tourist sites that may have been missed from the app.

Listed Sites

Underscaffold already has more than 1,000 sites listed, but only 10 percent have reports to go with them. As word spreads, this is expected to fill up considerably. It’s amazing just how many people are reporting disappointment at a famous landmark covered in scaffolding when they arrive at tourist destinations.

Just Getting Started

A spokesperson for Underscaffold told me: “We are just getting started so it’s certainly early days, and people really do look forward to seeing buildings and landmarks in all their glory. It can prove a big turn off when they arrive to see a full scaffolding system in place. 

“The app does need as many reports as possible to become useful whether there’s scaffolding or not, so please get the word out. We love Big Ben right now. Just use the “Add Report” button, on a site’s page in the app. Users can also add sites we have not yet listed via the app.”

Free To Use

It’s completely free to use, compatible with all devices and constantly updated by both users and operators of the sites in question. It’s available from The App Store or Google Play.

So remember, when it comes to viewing your favourite places on holiday or anywhere else in their usual full glory – ‘Avoid disappointments. Help Others. Its’ free’. 

