TRAD Group gets off to great start with 2021 charity fundraising

TRAD Group CEO Des Moore: Rising materials prices – what can scaffolding contractors can do about it?
TRAD Group CEO, Des Moore working from home in lockdown.

Challenges include TRAD Group CEO walking 300km during March – finishing with a marathon distance!

TRAD Group (‘TRAD’), one of the UK’s leading scaffolding and access companies, has reached a milestone in its year-long charity fundraising to mark its 50th anniversary.

As previously reported the Group is raising money for three charities chosen by its staff: MIND, MS Society and The Royal British Legion.

During the month of March, MIND is their focus charity, which is a leading Mental Health Charity. The company is particularly aware of mental health issues in the workplace – CEO Des Moore has spoken about his own experiences in the past – and so the work done by MIND for individuals and to support organisations is very important to TRAD.

During March, TRAD employees have been encouraged to undertake some personal challenges to help raise money for this important cause. Staff members have been walking, cycling and running long distances over the month, starting at 50km and rising TRAD 50K FOR 50 YEARS (

In fact, Des Moore, the company’s CEO set himself the target of walking 300km during the month – all whilst continuing to run the business from his lockdown home office. On Saturday 27th March, Des completes his walk with a marathon distance of just over 26 miles from start to finish in one day, and is hoping to raise some extra sponsorship by finishing with this challenge.

Des is no stranger to marathons, over 40 years ago he ran a marathon and completed it with a great time of 3 hours and 45 minutes! Unfortunately, fast approaching 65 in a couple of months however, Des thinks it’s going to take him at least twice as long to walk his marathon on Saturday.

“The past year has taken a toll on our mental health in lots of ways,” he said. “Whatever our and your circumstances are, we have all had to deal with a situation that we were completely unprepared for. There are many people who have really struggled, and will continue to struggle when Lockdown ends and are likely to for many more months to follow; therefore without charities like MIND, they can face real trouble. The work that MIND does to help individuals is invaluable, and we are proud to be supporting them through completing our own personal challenges.”

Benefitting from sponsorship for these challenges and individual donations, TRAD has already raised nearly £20k for its chosen charities. The group hopes, with the help of industry colleagues and fellow Scaffolding companies and organisations within the industry in general, that it will immeasurably reach its target of £75,000, and with the help of others even hopefully surpass it by the end of 2021.

Any support that you can provide is extremely beneficial for TRAD’s three chosen charities and you can support Mind, MS Society, The Royal British Legion, Des and the TRAD team by donating here: TRAD 50K FOR 50 YEARS ( with the message ‘Moore’s Marathon’.
