48.3 Scaffolder’s Champion League – the results


Formark Scaffolding wins the first 48.3 Scaffolders Champion League.

Thursday 14th May saw the first 48.3 Scaffolder’s Champions league at Goals, Beckenham North.

The tournament marked the first time six leading scaffolding companies have battled it out on the field to win the coveted 48.3 Scaffolder’s Champions league trophy. Anglewest, Formark, GKR, Lyndon, Millcroft and TRAD all demonstrated great skill and determination however it was Formark Scaffolding that lifted the trophy as well deserved winners!

Final results:

  • 1st Formark
  • 2nd TRAD
  • 3rd Millcroft
  • 4th GKR
  • 5th Anglewest
  • 6th Lyndon

