Latest Coronavirus Site Operating Procedures Withdrawn

Site Operating Procedures Withdrawn

The newly revised version of the Site Operating Procedures guidance during the coronavirus outbreak has been ripped-up after immediate ‘feedback’ from the construction industry

The new version of the Site Operating Procedures was published yesterday by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) but withdrawn within just a couple of hours.

The edited (version 2) of the procedures for the construction industry stated that where it is not possible or safe for workers to distance themselves from each other by two metres then work should NOT be carried out.

The original (version 1) imposed a less stricter regime stating workers should do their best to observe the two-meter rule, not that they should stop work if cannot.

According to sources, the edited version caused an uproar within construction firms as it would mean all sites would have to close. It also conflicted with the government’s position that construction sites should stay open during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The CLC swiftly wrote on the newly updated version 2 “There has been significant feedback on the updated Site Operating Procedures Version 2. Whilst the feedback is reviewed the CLC has reissued version 1 which is the document the industry should be complying with.”

Build UK this morning said: “Unfortunately, the updated version issued yesterday resulted in more confusion than clarity. Whilst we review the developing PHE guidelines, we can confirm that version 1 of the Standard Operating Procedures remains in place.

We are extremely sorry for any disruption caused; like many of you we are doing our best to keep construction operational whilst protecting the health of our people during these difficult times.”
