Saturday, March 29, 2025
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U.K. Edition

Tag: Layher Allround

Built to Protect: Layher and Blencowe Safeguard Devizes Icon

Preserving historical landmarks requires precision, expertise, and innovative solutions. The recent restoration project at Devizes Town Hall is a...

A Towering Success in Brighton: Mattison Scaffolding and Layher Allround System

In the heart of Kemptown, Brighton, a remarkable scaffolding project undertaken on behalf of the Mears Group PLC stands...

Layher’s Partnership a Towering Success

A strategic partnership between Layher UK and Seán Doyle Scaffolding Limited (SDS) has proved to be a tower of success...

Layher brings key benefits to refurbishment in Manchester

The benefits arising from the use of Layher Ltd.’s scaffolding during the refurbishment of residential accommodation are being clearly...