Opinion: CISRS Mandatory CPD Course


Our new industry blogger Mark Bisset gives his opinion on the recent announcement of the mandatory CPD course from CISRS.

The latest hot topic within the UK scaffolding industry, is the planned introduction of continuing professional development training (CPD). This is for any individual involved in the scaffold industry, renewing or updating their competence levels.

Negotiations regarding these changes has been ongoing for the past decade with input from the HSE. This in my opinion is definitely not, as many in the scaffold industry think, a knee jerk reaction, nor is it another “money making scheme” from the CISRS.

This new approach has been inevitable, as the changes within the industry are moving at a rate of knots that requires a robust structured vocational education, for all personnel from the Scaffold Labourer through to the Managing Director.

This latest mandatory training addition announced by the CISRS earlier this month will be introduced from June 2017 onwards. With this change it should bring with it, in my opinion, a much needed robust stepping stone structure, that wasn’t in place before.

cisrsFrom my own personal experience being an apprentice scaffolder completing my CISRS Part 1 and Part 2, There was then a six year gap where I never went near a scaffold training facility before obtaining my advanced status. I’m sure this may be same with many other operatives throughout industry. With this in mind I think the (CPD) will bridge the gap when it comes to educating our workforce, by keeping all scaffolding operatives up to speed with all changes within technical and safety guidance documents. This will also allow our workforce to fine tune their broader knowledge regarding the industry.

Many colleagues in this ever progressing industry will appreciate the fact that the sector has been through numerous changes in the past decade or so, with much of the responsibility to cascade any changes to the “coalface” left to the employers. This in turn will now be done through CPD, then followed up via toolbox talks etc… By the employer.

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There are the ‘big majors” and other professional scaffold contractors out there, that are also members of trade associations like the NASC, these firms continue to keep their workforce up to speed regularly with these changes, via toolbox talks and frequent safety meetings etc., that have concerns with this recent change. I can understand their concerns at potentially being liable for the cost of further training, whilst still being members of their respective associations, where each organisation pay a yearly levy, to receive regular updates regarding changes, in turn allowing them to act accordingly within their own organisations.

All being said I think CPD has pro’s and con’s, however the pro’s outweigh the con’s. This new change must be embraced by all companies, large and small to help cement this thriving UK sector which is at the forefront of scaffolding worldwide.

Please let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.


  1. 2 days off work + this new course around 6/7 ton out of pocket, we don’t scaffold because we like it, well not that much anyway, we do it to earn money, as they say ,the game has gone to pot.

  2. Rob, I am actually up for the training, but not at our expense, the NASC has to be careful, they are a trade body, they are not the CITB, however their guides are recognised guides, codes of practice, they could have approached this far better though, no scaffolders( working and Independent; have been consulted or involved in the adoption of this scheme.Untill The NASC clarify that the mandatory training is to be paid for by employers it will be dead in its own created bed.

  3. We dont need all this training Ray, post it all on a web site, sign in with your card number proves you have read the new changes, if you dont read it your card gets suspended, simple really and very cost effective

  4. Totally agree with RichardMoore44 and vehemently disagree with your blogger. This is without doubt an attempt by NASC and others to try and drive the smaller operator out of business, and carve up what’s left between them, and for the training companies it is even more business for them
    I have run a scaffolding Company for 35 years mainly using traditional tube, boards and fittings and haven’t seen much of a change in the actual erection/dismantling sequences. The thought of scaffolders having to sit in a room for 2 days listening to a Trainer, who has probably never got his hands dirty in his life, droning on and on is laughable and a complete waste of time and money.

    Will we be able to get a grant? Well we all know the answer to that. 

    Let us get on with our business without throwing up all of these obstacles we have enough rules, regulations, guidelines etc

  5. Right men we seriously need to get sharing this if you want anything to happen with this petition, even get your families to sign it because it will effect them.There is only 993 people signed this, now i don’t know how many people are involved in the Scaffold industry legitimately but im sure it’s more than 993. PLEASE SHARE.

  6. I am 100% for training, continuous development etc. however the workforce themselves have had little;if no involvement in these fantastic enhancements to our trade and industry. What workforce has been involved,consulted? What trade Unions have been involved? I see no endorsement from Cape, Harsco,Deborah’s or any major scaffold or construction company. The result of this opportunity can and will be diminished unless YOU listen to the very people you wish to embrace CPD. The cost of attending and partaking CPD in both ££££££ & TIME will be substantial, if it is to be mandatory then employers will have a legal duty to train their workforce. CITB CISRS and training organisations like Simian Risk Management Limited need to approach the Major employers and confirm their support in the form of their financial support to pay for this professional enhancement to our great trade and occupation . Comments welcome?

  7. I am 100% for training, continuous development etc. however the workforce themselves have had little;if no involvement in these fantastic enhancements to our trade and industry. What workforce has been involved,consulted? What trade Unions have been involved? I see no endorsement from Cape, Harsco,Deborah’s or any major scaffold or construction company. The result of this opportunity can and will be diminished unless YOU listen to the very people you wish to embrace CPD. The cost of attending and partaking CPD in both ££££££ & TIME will be substantial, if it is to be mandatory then employers will have a legal duty to train their workforce. CITB CISRS and training organisations like Simian Risk Management Limited need to approach the Major employers and confirm their support in the form of their financial support to pay for this professional enhancement to our great trade and occupation . Comments welcome?